Site icon Council Solutions

Municipality Services and Areas

City of Johannesburg Ombudsman | municipal occupancy certificate | Municipality Municipal Ombudsman | occupation certificate | city council  problem troubleshooter | water problems | valuation problems| electricity problems | City of Johannesburg, Joburg water meter problems | City of Joburg Johannesburg  electricity,| Eskom account problems | eskom account queries | eskom meter problems |, eskom account queries |,eskom account help |eskom pre paid meter| eskom accounts department|  eskom contact number| eskom smart meter problems|, eskom account overcharges |,city power meter problems| City of Joburg Johannesburg Opening Closing New Account,| Rates & Taxes,| Change of ownership,| City of Joburg Johannesburg Credit Control Summons Legal Action Debt Collections Payments |, Municipal Municipality Occupancy Occupation Certificate Approvals,| Building Plan Submissions,| Smart meter problems,| pre paid electricity problems queries installation Johannesburg Municipality,| City of Cape town  Credit Control,| Ekurhuleni, | Regulation, Site Development Plans |  Clearance Certificates | Change of Ownership  | Property 24 | Private Property | Rates 4 U | House Hoppers | Council Submissions| Runners inc | Rates onilne | City Council Solutions | Help with Municipal Accounts | City of Tshwane, | Municipal Accounts |, Building Plan Submissions,| Cancellation of Consumer Agreements,| City of Cape Town Refunds |, Change of Address, City of Joburg Disconnections Pre Terminations,| City of Joburg Johannesburg,| City Power Electricity Meter Problems |, Consumer Agreements |, Council Account Problems, | Council Solutions,|Mangaung metropolitan municipality (bloemfontein) | Ekurhuleni Municipality, Electricity Applications |, Electricity Queries, Johannesburg |Ekurhuleni, Meter Investigation |, Municipal Account Problems, | Municipal Council Solutions, Municipal Credit Applications, | Municipal Valuations Roll Problems,|  Problems Queries Accounts, Rates Queries,  |Refunds Application Department |, Refunds City of Joburg |, Reg 38, Section 78, | Supplementary General Rates Department, Valuation Applications Review, | Water Applications, | Water Meter Joburg Problems |, Water Queries |, Zoning & Sg Diagrams | Council Solutions |, Municipal account problems |, City Of Joburg Johannesburg Ekurhuleni Municipality Council account problems, | City Of Joburg Johannesburg Tshwane Ekurhuleni Municipality| Cape Town | Council Solutions,|  Municipal Valuations Roll Problems | Supplementary General Rates Department |Municipal Council Solutions Refunds City Of Joburg Johannesburg Ekurhuleni Municipality | Cape Town Refunds Problems Queries Department | City Of Joburg Johannesburg Ekurhuleni Municipality Cape Town City of Joburg Johannesburg Account Queries Rates Valuation roll Water Electricity |  City of Joburg Johannesburg Account Queries Rates Valuation roll Water |  Electricity City of Johannesburg Joburg Billing Queries Problems Crisis Issues Solutions Compliants  |Accounts City of Joburg Johannesburg Opening Closing New Account Connections Services Rates & Taxes |  City of Johannesburg Joburg pre terminations disconnection | City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, | City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality,| Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality|  Emfuleni Local Municipality, |Lesedi Local Municipality, Midvaal Local Municipality,| Mogale City Local Municipality,  | Randfontein Local Municipality, |  Sedibeng District Municipality,  | West Rand District Municipality, |  Westonaria Local Municipality, | Beaufort West Local Municipality,  | Bergrivier Local Municipality | , Bitou Local Municipality, Breede Valley Local Municipality,  | Cape Agulhas Local Municipality |City of eThekwini (Durban)|, Cape Winelands District Municipality, |  Cederberg Local Municipality, Central Karoo District Municipality, | City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, | Drakenstein Local Municipality, | Eden District Municipality, George Local Municipality |, Hessequa Local Municipality | , Kannaland Local Municipality, | City of Tshwane (Pretoria) | Knysna Local Municipality,  | Laingsburg Local Municipality | Langeberg Local Municipality, | Matzikama Local Municipality |, Mossel Bay Local |Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality (Port Elizabeth | Municipality |, Oudtshoorn Local Municipality, | Overberg District Municipality, | Overstrand Local Municipality |, Prince Albert Local Municipality, | Saldanha Bay Local Municipality |, Stellenbosch Local Municipality | City of Johannesburg Joburg pre-terminations & disconnections | Rates Clearance figures certificate  Problems | City Of Joburg Johannesburg Ekurhuleni Municipality |City of Johannesburg Joburg Water pre-terminations & disconnections | City of Johannesburg Joburg City Power electricity pre terminations & disconnections | Townplanning, | Regulation 38,| Section 82, | Demolition Certificate, | Occupancy Certificate, | Building Plans, |Relaxation Of Building Line, | Building Consent, | Zoning Certificate, | Town Planning, | Architect Plans, | Subdivisions, | Consolidations, | Stands |, Erf, | Title Deed, | Township Conditions, |Building Control, | Building Inspector | , Section 82 Requirements, | Section 82 Applications,  |Regulation 38 Requirements, | Regulation 38 Applications,| Removal Of Restrictions |, Service Connections |, Subdivision Clearances,| Consolidation Clearances,| Developments, | Developers |, Rates, Billing Solutions, | Billing Crises |, Johannesburg Rates |, Johannesburg Rates And Taxes,| Billing Rates |, Home Owner Rates And Taxes |, Coj Rates And Taxes |, Coj Rates Account, | Joburg Rates,| Jhb Rates |, Municipal Rates, | Johannesburg Rates |, Johannesburg Rates And Taxes |, Johannesburg Rates Account, | Rates Problems |, City Of Johannesburg Rates, | City Of Johannesburg Rates Accounts |, Jhb Rates And Taxes, | City Accounts, |General Account Queries, | Opening A Rates And Taxes Account, | Paying Accounts, City Of Johannesburg Municipality | Complaints Queries, Council Account Service For City Of Johannesburg, | Overcharged Council Accounts, | Johannesburg Billing Discount Scheme |, Rates And Taxes Tariffs |, Calculating Your Rates | , Joburg Accounts Billing |, Change Of Ownership, | Clearances, Council Clearance And Refunds, | Transfer Clearance Certificate |, Clearance Figures, | Clearance Certificates, |Clearance Figure Queries |, Clearance Figure Complaints |, Transfer Clearance Certificate |, Clearance Figures,|  Clearance Certificates,| Clearance Figure Queries |, Clearance Figure Complaints,| Clearance Figures To Transfer Property |, Clearance Figures For Attorneys,| Conveyancing Attorneys, | Clearance Certificate Payments, Transfer Clearance Certificate |, Clearance Figures, | Clearance Certificates,  |Clearance Figure Queries,| Clearance Figure Complaints, | Valuations, | Valuation Roll, | Supplementary Valuation Roll,| Residential Property Valuation |, Business Property Valuation |, Vacant Land  |Ground Value, |Municipal Property Valuations |, Property Valuations |, Johannesburg Valuations |, Joburg Water |, Water And Electricity Accounts,| Johannesburg Water Account,|Jhb Water |, Joburg Water Accounts,| City Of Johannesburg Water And Electricity Accounts |, Municipal Water And Electricity Accounts, | City Of Johannesburg Water, | Joburg Water, | Joburg Water Account Refunds,  | Joburg Water Deposits, | Johannesburg Water |, Opening A Water Account |, Electricity, Electricity Account |, Electricity Deposits |, Jhb Electricity |, City Power, | City Power Accounts |, Electricity Accounts,| Electricity Account Queries |, Electricity Meter Reading Queries |, Electricity Meter, | City of Joburg accounts Reading Problems, | Electricity Meter Readings |, Electricity Account | Refunds |, Opening an Electricity Account, | City Power Johannesburg, Wayleaves |, City Parks |, Eskom |, Road Excavations |, Trenchless Drilling, Water Pipe Connections, | Electrical Cable Connection |, Fibre Optic Installations |, Road Widening,  |Road Reserve Wayleave,  |Joburg Road Agency |, Internal Reticulation, | Consulting Water Engineer |, Consulting Electrical Engineer |, Municipal Water Connection |, Municipal Water Installation |, Electrical Cable Installations,  |Municipal Service Installation |, Municipal Service Connections, | Wayleave Application |, Johannesburg Roads  |Wayleave Application |, Jra Wayleave Clearance, | Mtn Wayleave Clearance |, Sasol Wayleave Clearance, | Eskom Wayleave Clearance | Dark Fibre Africa | , Wayleave Clearance, Joburg Water | Wayleave Clearance, City Power | Wayleave Clearance, Rand Water Board | Wayleave Clearance, City Parks | Wayleave Clearance, Egoli Gas | Wayleave Clearance, Telkom  Wayleave Clearance,| Neotel Wayleave Clearance,| Gautrans Wayleave Clearance |, Sanral Wayleave Clearance |, Account Management, | Account Refunds | New Water And Electricity Accounts, | New Water And Electricity Applications |, Sectional Title Management |, Sectional Title Accounts,  |Managing Of Coj Accounts |, Residential Account Management |, Sectional Title Account Management |, Manage Body Corporate Accounts |, Manage Home Owners Association Accounts, | Body Corporate Innaugral Meeting |, Sectional Title Rates And Refuse | Alfred Nzo District Municipality, | Amahlathi Local Municipality |,Amathole District Municipality |, Baviaans Local Municipality, | Blue Crane Route Local Municipality, | Buffalo City Local Municipality,  |Cacadu District Municipality |, Camdeboo Local Municipality, | Chris Hani District Municipality |,Elundini Local Municipality, | Engcobo Local Municipality, | Gariep Local Municipality |, Greater Kei Local Municipality |, Ikwezi Local Municipality |, Inkwanca Local Municipality |, Yethu Local Municipality, Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality |, King Sabatha, Dalindyebo Local Municipality |, Kou-Kamma Local Municipality |, Kouga Local Municipality, Lukhanji Local Municipality |, Makana Local Municipality |, Maletswai Local Municipality |, Matatiele Local Municipality |, Mbhashe Local Municipality,  |Mbizana Local Municipality, | Mhlontlo Local Municipality, Mnquma Local Municipality, | Ndlambe Local Municipality |Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality |, Ngqushwa Local Municipality |, Nkonkobe Local Municipality |, Ntabankulu Local Municipality |, Nxuba Local Municipality |, Nyandeni Local Municipality, | OR Tambo District Municipality |Port St Johns Local Municipality,  | Ingquza Hill Local Municipality,  | Sakhisizwe Local Municipality,  | Senqu Local Municipality, Sunday’s River | , Valley Local Municipality |, Tsolwana Local Municipality, Ukhahlamba District Municipality | , Umzimvubu Local Municipality | Fezile Dabi District Municipality, | Kopanong Local Municipality, Lejweleputswa District, Municipality,  | Letsemeng Local Municipality, Mafube Local Municipality | Maluti a Phofong Local Municipality, Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality |Mantsopa Local Municipality, Masilonyana Local Municipality |, City Of Johannesburg Water And Electricity Account | Matjhabeng Local Municipality |, Metsimaholo Local Municipality |, Mohokare Local Municipality, | Moqhaka Local Municipality, | Nala Local Municipality, | Naledi Local Municipality, Ngwathe Local Municipality |, Nketoana Local, Municipality |, Phumelela Local Municipality |, Setsoto Local Municipality |, Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality, | Tokologo Local Municipality
Tswelopele Local Municipality |, Xhariep District Municipality | City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, | City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality |, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, | Emfuleni Local Municipality, | Lesedi Local Municipality |, Midvaal Local Municipality, | Mogale City Local Municipality |, Randfontein Local Municipality |,Sedibeng District Municipality | West Rand District Municipality, | Actual Reading | Assessed Property Value  | City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Assessment Billing Section | Assessment Rate Tariffs | Assessment Rates | Farming Land Assessment Rate | Public Service Infrastructure | Billing Crisis  | Billing Errors | Business Tariff | Cheap Electricity | Check Electricity Bill | City Accounts | City Council Johannesburg| City Of Jhb Water  | City Of Joburg Accounts | City Of Johannesburg City Of Johannesburg Water | City Power | City Power Accounts | City Power Booysens | City Power Complaints | City Power Jhb |City Power Johannesburg | City Power Roodepoort  |City Power Tariffs | City Solar Power  |Commercial And Residential Commercial Appraisal Commercial | Nature Commercial Property Valuation | Commercial Real Estate Valuation | Commercial Valuation | Date of Occupation | Date of Transfer | Deeds Office  |Demand Tariff | Discontinuation | Efficiency Rebate | Ekurhuleni Electricity Account | Electric Outages | Electrical Outage | Electricity Electricity Account | Electricity Accounting  | Electricity And Gas  | Electricity Bill | Electricity Bill | Check Electricity | Brokers Electricity | Calculator Electricity Charges | Electricity Company | Electricity Connection | Electricity Consumption | Electricity Cost |Electricity Deals | Electricity Facts | Electricity Generated | Electricity Generation | Electricity Information | Electricity Monitor | Electricity Off Peak | Electricity Plans | Electricity Prices | Electricity Produced | Electricity Production | Electricity Provider  |Electricity Quote | Electricity Rates | Electricity Reading | Electricity Rebate | Electricity Saver | Electricity Savings | Electricity Services | Electricity Suppliers |Electricity Tariffs | Electricity Usage | Electricity Watch | Electronic Customer Service | Electronic Submission | Energy Efficiency Rebate | Energy Rebates Energy Saving Initiatives | Energy Saving Rebate | Energy Tax Energy | Tax Credits Energy | Tax Incentives | Energy Tax Rebate | Jhb Billing  | Joburg City Council Accounts | Joburg Connect | Joburg Connect Account Queries | Joburg Connect Accounts | Joburg Water  |Joburg Water Accounts | Johannesburg Assessment Rates  | Johannesburg City Council Johannesburg Council | Johannesburg Electricity Accounts | Johannesburg Municipality Johannesburg Municipality Accounts | Johannesburg Property Johannesburg Rates | Johannesburg Rebates | Johannesburg Tariffs  |Johannesburg Water | Johannesburg Water Accounts | Johannesburg Water Supply Municipal Account Rectifiers Municipal Property Rates Off Peak Electricity Off Peak Electricity Times Online Electricity Bill | Pay As You Go Electricity | Prepaid Electricity | Rand Water Rate Rebates | Rates And Taxes Rates And Taxes Johannesburg Rates Clearance Certificates Rates Clearance Requests Rebate |Rebate For Solar Power  |Rebate For Water Heater |Rebates Energy Efficiency | Rebates For Energy Efficiency  |Rebates For Solar | Rebates For Solar Power  |Re-Evaluation Refund | Request For Clearance Figures | Residential Property Valuation | Residential Valuation Residential Valuers  | Saving Electricity | Single Phase Tariff | Small Business Valuation | Solar Electricity  |Solar System Rebate  |Solar Systems Solar Water  |Solar Water Heater | Rebate Solar Water | Rebate |, Abaqulusi Local Municipality, | Amajuba District Municipality, | Big Five False Bay Local Municipality | (The), Dannhauser Local Municipality, | eDumbe Local Municipality, | Emadlangeni Local Municipality |, Emnambithi – Ladysmith Local Municipality,  |Endumeni Local Municipality,  | Ethekwini Metropolitan Municipality,  |Greater Kokstad Local Municipality, | Hibiscus Coast Local Municipality, | Hlabisa Local Municipality |, Ilembe District Municipality, | Imbabazane Local Municipality | Impendle Local Municipality |, Indaka Local Municipality,  |Ingwe Local Municipality, | Izingolweni Local Municipality |, Jozini Local Municipality | KwaDukuza Local Municipality, | KwaSani Local Municipality, | Mandeni Local Municipality, | Maphumulo Local Municipality |, Mbonambi Local Municipality |, Mkhambathini Local Municipality | Mooi Mpofana Local Municipality |, Msinga Local Municipality |Msunduzi Local Municipality |, Mthonjaneni Local Municipality | Mtubatuba Local Municipality, | Ndwedwe Local Municipality |Mangaung metro municipality (bloemfontein)
Newcastle Local Municipality |, Nkandla Local Municipality Nongoma Local Municipality, | Nquthu Local Municipality | Ntambanana Local Municipality, | Okhahlamba Local Municipality | Richmond Local Municipality, | Sisonke District Municipality | Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality,  | Ugu District Municipality
Ulundi Local Municipality |,Umdoni Local Municipality | Umgungundlovu District Municipality |, Umhlabuyalingana Local Municipality,  |Umhlathuze Local Municipality, | Umlalazi Local Municipality | Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality (Bloemfontein) | Umngeni Local Municipality, | Umshwati Local Municipality | Umtshezi Local Municipality,  | Umvoti Local Municipality | Umzimkhulu Local Municipality, | Umzinyathi District Municipality | Umziwabantu Local Municipality, | Umzumbe Local Municipality |  Uphongolo Local Municipality, | Vulamehlo Local Municipality | Zululand District Municipality,  | Westonaria Local Municipality | Aganang Local Municipality,  |Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality |, Bela-Bela Local Municipality |, Blouberg Local Municipality, | Bushbuckridge Local Municipality, | Capricorn District Municipality |, Elias Motswaledi Local Municipality, | Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality | Fetakgomo Local Municipality, | Greater Giyani Local Municipality | Greater Letaba Local Municipality |, Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality |, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality |, Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality,  |Lepele-Nkumpi Local Municipality, | Lephalale Local Municipality, | Makhado Local Municipality, | Makhudutamaga Local Municipality |, Maruleng Local Municipality |Modimolle Local Municipality |Mogalakwena Local Municipality, | Molemole Local Municipality | Mopani District Municipality |, Musina Local Municipality | Mutale Local Municipality, | Polokwane Local Municipality, | Thabazimbi Local Municipality | , Thulamela Local Municipality | Vhembe District Municipality | , Waterberg District Municipality | Albert Luthuli Local Municipality, | Bushbuckridge Local Municipality |
Dipaleseng Local Municipality |, Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality | Ehlanzeni District Municipality | , Emakhazeni Local Municipality | Emalahleni Local Municipality |, Gert Sibande District Municipality |
Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, | Lekwa Local Municipality |, Mkhondo Local Municipality, | Msukaligwa Local Municipality |, Nkangala District Municipality |, Nkomazi Local Municipality |, Pixley Ka Seme Local Municipality, | Steve Tshwete Local Municipality |Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, | Thembisile Hani Local Municipality | Umjindi Local Municipality | Dikgatlong Local Municipality vEmthanjeni Local Municipality, | Frances Baard District Municipality | Ga-segonyana Local Municipality, | Gamagara Local Municipality
Hantam Local Municipality |, Kai Garib Local Municipality | Tsolwana Local Municipality | Nxuba Local Municipality | Nkonkobe Local Municipality | Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality | Baviaans Local Municipality | Ikwezi Local Municipality | Camdeboo Local Municipality | Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality | Abaqulusi Local Municipality | Albert Luthuli Local Municipality | Alfred Duma Local Municipality | Amahlathi Local Municipality | Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality | Beaufort West Local Municipality | Bela-Bela Local Municipality | Bergrivier Local Municipality | Big Five Hlabisa Local Municipality | Bitou Local Municipality | Blouberg Local Municipality | Blue Crane Route Local Municipality | Breede Valley Local Municipality | Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality | Bushbuckridge Local Municipality | Cape Agulhas Local Municipality | Cederberg Local Municipality | City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality | City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality | City of Matlosana Local Municipality | City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality | Collins Chabane Local Municipality | Dannhauser Local Municipality | Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality | Dihlabeng Local Municipality | Dikgatlong Local Municipality | Dipaleseng Local Municipality | Ditsobotla Local Municipality | Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality | Kamiesberg Local Municipality, | Kareerberg Local Municipality | Karoo District Municipality, | Karoo Hoogland Local Municipality | John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality, | Kgatelopele Local Municipality | Khai Ma Local Municipality, | Khara Hais Local Municipality |
Kheis Local Municipality,  | Magareng Local Municipality | Mier Local Municipality,  |Joe Morolong Local Municipality, | Nama-khoi Local Municipality,  | Namakwa District Municipality, | Pixley Ka Seme District Municipality, | Renosterburg Local Municipality | Richtersveld Local Municipality |, Siyancuma Local Municipality |, Siyanda District Municipality | Siyathemba Local Municipality,  | Sol Plaatje Local Municipality | Thembelihle Local Municipality, | Tsantsabane Local Municipality | Municipal Debt Specialist | SML Municipal Consulting | Municipal & Property Solutions MPSCC | Vega Concepts | Municipal and Property Solutions | Quantum Eclipse .com| Municipal Accounts Disputes | Municipal Problems Solved | | |Ubuntu Local Municipality, | Umsobomvu Local Municipality | Beaufort West Local Municipality, | Bergrivier Local Municipality  |, Bitou Local Municipality| Greater Tubatse Local Municipality | Fetakgomo/Greater Tubatse Local Municipality | Fetakgomo Local Municipality | Modimolle Local Municipality | Mookgopong Local Municipality | Aganang Local Municipality | Blouberg, Molemole and Polokwane Local Municipalities | Mutale Local Municipality | Musina and Thulamela Local Municipalities | Bohlabela District Municipality | Ehlanzeni and Mopani District Municipalities | Bohlabela District Municipality | Kwa Sani Local Municipality | Ingwe Local Municipality | Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Local Municipality | Ntambanana Local Municipality | Mthonjaneni, uMfolozi and uMhlathuze Local Municipalities | Ntambanana Local Municipality | Hlabisa Local Municipality | Big 5 False Bay Local Municipality | Big Five Hlabisa Local Municipality | Imbabazane Local Municipality | Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality | Umtshezi Local Municipality | Indaka Local Municipality | Alfred Duma Local Municipality | Emnambithi/Ladysmith Local Municipality | Vulamehlo Local Municipality | eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality and Umdoni Local Municipality | Vulamehlo Local Municipality | Hibiscus Coast Local Municipality | Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality | Ezinqoleni Local Municipality | Westonaria Local Municipality | Rand West City Local Municipality | Randfontein Local Municipality | Kungwini Local Municipality | Nokeng tsa Taemane Local Municipality | City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality | Metsweding District Municipality | Naledi Local Municipality | Motheo District Municipality | Xhariep and Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipalities | Gariep Local Municipality | Maletswai Local Municipality | Walter Sisulu Local Municipality | Maletswai Local Municipality | Lukhanji Local Municipality | Inkwanca Local Municipality | Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality | Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality |eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality | Fetakgomo/Greater Tubatse Local Municipality | Ga-Segonyana Local Municipality | Gamagara Local Municipality | George Local Municipality | Govan Mbeki Local Municipality | Great Kei Local Municipality | Greater Giyani Local Municipality | Greater Kokstad Local Municipality | Greater Letaba Local Municipality | Greater Taung Local Municipality | Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality | Hantam Local Municipality | Hessequa Local Municipality | Impendle Local Municipality | Ingquza Hill Local Municipality  |Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality| Intsika Yethu Local Municipality | Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality | JB Marks Local Municipality | Joe Morolong Local Municipality | Jozini Local Municipality | Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality | Kai !Garib Local Municipality| Kamiesberg Local Municipality | Kannaland Local Municipality | Kareeberg Local Municipality | Karoo Hoogland Local Municipality | Kgatelopele Local Municipality | Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality | Khâi-Ma Local Municipality | !Kheis Local Municipality | King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality | Knysna Local Municipality | Kopanong Local Municipality | Kou-Kamma Local Municipality | Kouga Local Municipality | KwaDukuza Local Municipality | Laingsburg Local Municipality  | Langeberg Local Municipality | Lekwa Local Municipality| Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality | Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality | Lephalale Local Municipality | Lesedi Local Municipality | Letsemeng Local Municipality | Madibeng Local Municipality | Mafube Local Municipality | Magareng Local Municipality | Mahikeng Local Municipality | Makana Local Municipality | Makhado Local Municipality | Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality | Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality | Mamusa Local Municipality | Mandeni Local Municipality | Mantsopa Local Municipality | Maphumulo Local Municipality | Maquassi Hills Local Municipality | Maruleng Local Municipality | Masilonyana Local Municipality | Matatiele Local Municipality | Matjhabeng Local Municipality | Matzikama Local Municipality | Mbhashe Local Municipality | Mbizana Local Municipality | Mbombela Local Municipality | Merafong City Local Municipality | Metsimaholo Local Municipality | Mhlontlo Local Municipality | Midvaal Local Municipality | Mkhambathini Local Municipality | Mkhondo Local Municipality | Mnquma Local Municipality | Modimolle/Mookgophong Local Municipality  | Mogalakwena Local Municipality | Mogale City Local Municipality | Mohokare Local Municipality | Molemole Local Municipality| Moqhaka Local Municipality | Moretele Local Municipality | Moses Kotane Local Municipality | Mossel Bay Local Municipality | Mpofana Local Municipality | Msinga Local Municipality | Msinga Local Municipality | Msunduzi Local Municipality | Mthonjaneni Local Municipality | Mtubatuba Local Municipality | Musina Local Municipality | Nala Local Municipality | Naledi Local Municipality | Nama Khoi Local Municipality | Ndlambe Local Municipality | Ndwedwe Local Municipality | Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality | Newcastle Local Municipality | Ngqushwa Local Municipality | Ngwathe Local Municipality | Nkandla Local Municipality | Nketoana Local Municipality | Nkomazi Local Municipality | Nongoma Local Municipality | Nqutu Local Municipality | Ntabankulu Local Municipality | Nyandeni Local Municipality | Okhahlamba Local Municipality | Oudtshoorn Local Municipality | Overstrand Local Municipality | Phokwane Local Municipality | Phumelela Local Municipality | Pixley ka Seme Local Municipality | Polokwane Local Municipality | Port St Johns Local Municipality | Prince Albert Local Municipality | Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality | Rand West City Local Municipality | Ratlou Local Municipality | Ray Nkonyeni Local Municipality | Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality | Renosterberg Local Municipality | Richmond Local Municipality | Richtersveld Local Municipality | Rustenburg Local Municipality | Sakhisizwe Local Municipality | Saldanha Bay Local Municipality | Senqu Local Municipality | Setsoto Local Municipality  | Siyancuma Local Municipality | Siyathemba Local Municipality | Sol Plaatje Local Municipality | Stellenbosch Local Municipality | Steve Tshwete Local Municipality | Sundays River Valley Local Municipality | Swartland Local Municipality | Swellendam Local Municipality | Thaba Chweu Local Municipality | Thabazimbi Local Municipality | Theewaterskloof Local Municipality | Thembelihle Local Municipality | Thembisile Hani Local Municipality | Thulamela Local Municipality | Tokologo Local Municipality | Tsantsabane Local Municipality | Tswaing Local Municipality | Tswelopele Local Municipality | Ubuhlebezwe Local Municipality | Ubuntu Local Municipality | Ulundi Local Municipality | Umdoni Local Municipality | uMfolozi Local Municipality | uMhlabuyalingana Local Municipality | uMhlathuze Local Municipality | uMlalazi Local Municipality | uMngeni Local Municipality | uMshwathi Local Municipality | Umsobomvu Local Municipality | uMuziwabantu Local Municipality | Umvoti Local Municipality | Umzimkhulu Local Municipality | Umzimvubu Local Municipality | Umzimvubu Local Municipality | uPhongolo Local Municipality | Victor Khanye Local Municipality | Walter Sisulu Local Municipality | Witzenberg Local Municipality | Breede Valley Local Municipality |, Cape Agulhas Local Municipality | Zululand District Municipality | ZF Mgcawu District Municipality | Xhariep District Municipality | West Rand District Municipality | West Coast District Municipality | Waterberg District Municipality | Vhembe District Municipality | uThukela District Municipality | uMzinyathi District Municipality | uMkhanyakude District Municipality | uMgungundlovu District Municipality | Ugu District Municipality | Thabo Mofutsanyana | Thabo Mofutsanyana District Municipality | Sekhukhune District Municipality | Sedibeng District Municipality | Sarah Baartman District Municipality | Sarah Baartman District Municipality | Overberg District Municipality | OR Tambo District Municipality | Nkangala District Municipality | Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality | Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality | Namakwa District Municipality | Mopani District Municipality | Lejweleputswa District Municipality | King Cetshwayo District Municipality | John Taolo Gaetsewe District Municipality | Joe Gqabi District Municipality | iLembe District Municipality | Harry Gwala District Municipality | Gert Sibande District Municipality | Garden Route District Municipality | Frances Baard District Municipality | Fezile Dabi District Municipality | Ehlanzeni District Municipality | Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District Municipality | Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality | Chris Hani District Municipality | Central Karoo District Municipality | Capricorn District Municipality | Cape Winelands District Municipality |
Cape Winelands District Municipality |, Cederberg Local Municipality | Central Karoo District Municipality |, City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, | Drakenstein Local Municipality,  | Eden District Municipality | George Local Municipality |, Hessequa Local Municipality | Kannaland Local Municipality, | Knysna Local Municipality | Laingsburg Local Municipality, | Langeberg Local Municipality | Matzikama Local Municipality,  | Mossel Bay Local Municipality | Oudtshoorn Local Municipality |, Overberg District Municipality | Overstrand Local Municipality, | Prince Albert Local Municipality |
Saldanha Bay Local Municipality |, Stellenbosch Local Municipality | Swartland Local Municipality, | Swellendam Local Municipality | Theewaterskloof Local Municipality, | West Coast District Municipality
Witzenberg Local Municipality  | Council Solutions | Khara Hais Local Municipality | Dawid Kruiper Local Municipality | Mier Local Municipality | Tlokwe Local Municipality | Ventersdorp/Tlokwe Local Municipality | Ventersdorp Local Municipality | Molopo Local Municipality | Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality | Kagisano-Molopo Local Municipality |Kagisano Local Municipality | Umjindi Local Municipality | Mbombela Local Municipality |



How we can Help you?


Our company has been dealing with the various council departments for years, we understand how the council works, the different bylaws, and your rights as a property owner.

Often the public are not aware of which tariff they should be charged for on their account or whether they should charged at all.

Getting to the right department to get your account query resolved is always an issue, we will relieve you of all the stress of dealing directly with the council with your various utility accounts and do the job on your behalf.

Our fees are reasonable.

We offer a detailed explanation of your accounts and advice to avoid further problems.

Please send your stand details, account number and contact details. We will get back to you to see how we can help.

Opening of rates, water & electricity accounts.

Once you have purchased a property whether it is domestic, business, industrial or agricultural, you will need to open the various council accounts. As a land owner in Johannesburg you will need to pay for rates, refuse, water, sewer & electricity.
Depending on what type of consumer and where your property is situated in Johannesburg depends on the Council department you will need to pay for the particular service. Currently consumers pay their utility accounts to City of Johannesburg (COJ), Eskom, City Power and JHB Water.

Our service includes opening any accounts for any of the above, arranging the necessary deposits, and ensuring that the utilities are charged correctly on your account.

More information on utilities charged on council accounts.
Assist with clearance applications for transfer of properties.

We assist in getting clearance figures. If a sellers account is correct then clearance should be issued without any delay, but due to so many council accounts having problems there will always be a delay in getting clearance figures. Our service is to assist with correcting those accounts as quickly as possible and liaising with the various departments to close the calls on the systems so that the clearance can be issued at the council without further delay.

More information on the pitfalls with the current clearance process at the City of Johannesburg.
Investigate valuation issues you may have with your property.
Many home and business owners are unaware of what rates they should be charged. Since the new rates act has come into place there is even more chaos regarding the valuation of your property.

We will confirm if your zoning, land usage and valuation is correct. If there is a problem we will raise the issue with the relevant department and get the problem resolved.

More information on land valuation issues.

Assist with getting refunds on accounts that have been closed.
Getting a refund from the council can be a tiresome process if you do not know the correct process. We assist in getting your refund processed quickly by advising you on what documentation and information the council requires to process your refund.
More information on refunds.
Water or sewer leaks, Power problems or upgrades and faulty meters.
If you have problems trying to get the different departments to action any of the above problems you have, we can act on your behalf. Often getting to the right person is part of the problem.

Some more information on City of JHB processes…

The information collected here is as a result of many years of working experience with different council issues. Please be advised that this is a guide line as to your dealings with the City of Johannesburg and not their policy although we endeavor to refer to their guidelines on advising you. Please log on to the City of JHB web site if you need further information.

Rates, water & electricity accounts.

Each stand (erf) will have a rates account, whether the property is used for domestic, business, agricultural or municipal purposes.
Domestic & Business properties have rates, sewer , refuse , water and electricity charges. Depending in which area you live in, you may have one of your utility accounts at City Power, Eskom, Pickitup or JHB Water. You may however have Pre-Paid meters for which you will not be billed on the above accounts.
As a domestic property owner you will always be charged for rates, refuse and sewer at a basic tariff depending on the size and value of your property. There are various bylaws that govern the way the council can charge you for these utilities, it is important that you are aware of what tariff they may charge for sewer and refuse with regards to your land size. The tariff structure for flats, Body Corporate and different size of properties vary. As a domestic property owner you will also be charged at a lower tariff for rates, ensure that you are not paying for vacant land use on your account.

As a business property owner you have a few more choices, you will have a rates account with COJ, but your sewer and water accounts will most likely be with JHB Water and your electricity account could be with either City Power or Eskom. All businesses will pay business tariffs for all utilities. There are a number of different tariffs for the different utilities.
Once you have purchased a property it is important that you open all the necessary utility accounts, the previous owner usually will not be able to close his account before you have opened yours. Thus a refund may sit in the previous owners account for an extended period. The best time to open your accounts is once the property has been registered, this should be done within a month of the date of registration.. The council (COJ), JHB Water, City Power or Eskom will need proof of ownership, a copy of the “Offer to Purchase” or “Title Deed” and a certified copy of the new owners ID will be sufficient. It will be wise to confirm that your utilities all appear on your account in the first few months after opening the account. A deposit will be required for electricity and water which is calculated by multiplying the current consumption by two or three month depending on who the utility provider is.

Our service includes opening any accounts for any of the above accounts, arranging the necessary deposits, and ensuring that the utilities are charged correctly on your account.

Some handy Tips:

If you are living on a property ensure that your rates are charged at 0.004% of your property value, this is the domestic tariff.
If you are renting out your property, try avoid opening a tenants account for your tenants. If they do not pay for their consumption you are liable for the debt as the property owner. You need to ensure that payments are made on a regular basis by monitoring the account.
Go to the COJ web site and register to get your accounts emailed to you.
Register online at COJ web site to do your online meter readings. If the council does not read your meters regularly, which is the case with many accounts, you may end up with a huge bill due to backdated charges.
Check you monthly water consumption, if there is a sudden increase in consumption you may have a leak. JHB Water will not refund you for water wasted due to a leak.
If your water or electricity meters are faulty JHB Water or City Power have to look into this, note that this only applies if you have an account for that particular meter. They will not replace a sub meter.
Do not pay your account by debit order, through experience ether best way is by EFT / Internet transfer. If your account is incorrectly billed you are grossly overcharged and the council has a debit order you will find it difficult to have the debit order reversed, and the council will not refund your extra bank charges, besides the time it will take to correct the error made.

Assist with clearance applications for transfer of properties.

When applying for a clearance figures ensure that your council account is in order. Ensure that all the necessary charges are on your invoice and that your meter readings are up to date. Most of the delays in obtaining clearances at the council occur due to accounts that have problems such as meters that have not been read for a few months if not longer.
When a clearance application is submitted at the council their system will automatically flag the account if there is a problem on the account. This will lead to you having the calls closed at the various utility departments e.g.: City Power , JHB Water or the Rates department, before the clearance is issued. Correct the account before submitting the application! However in many cases the system does flag accounts that are correct, in this case you will have to approach the various departments to close the calls.
If your figures expire it does not guarantee that you get your extended figures immediately, its possible that meter readings have not been updated while your figures expired. Then of course the council may again implement new procedures which could delay your extended figures as you may not comply with their new policies.
Often home owners have tenants living on their properties, if those accounts are not up to date the seller will be responsible for those accounts. Be sure that the owner has the tenants pay their accounts up to date.
We assist in getting clearance figures. Our service is to assist with correcting those accounts as quickly as possible and liaising with the various departments to close the calls on the systems so that the clearance can be issued at the council without further delay

Some handy tips:

Ensure the meter readings are updated before the clearance application is submitted.
Have the seller of the property submit the account number on the clearance application.
Pay your clearance before it expires, which is usually about two months after it has been issued.
Clearance figures must be paid via cash or a Trust Cheque from a registered attorney.

Investigate valuation issues you may have with your property.

Many home and business owners are unaware of what rates they should be charged. Since the new rates act has come into place there is even more chaos regarding the valuation of your property.
Ensure that your land usage, and zoning is correct on your account. Many problems arise when the council eventually finds that you have been charged for the incorrect land usage or zoning. The COJ council has the right to backdate you charges for under recovery of rates, they may backdate you to the date of the previous “valuation roll”. As with any of the council issues the COJ council deems that property owners should be aware of the current council regulations and policies, thus you will have no legal grounds, if you have been charged the incorrect rates over a period of time. You as the property owner are responsible to ensure that you are being charged correctly.
We will confirm if your zoning, land usage and valuation is correct. If there is a problem we will raise the issue with the relevant department and get the problem resolved

Some handy tips:

Ensure you are paying domestic rates and your land usage is not charged as vacant land if your property is used for domestic purposes. the domestic tariff is 0.004% per annum on the value of your property.
Ensure that once property has been built that you obtain an “Occupancy Certificate”. This will assist you in getting your valuation corrected.
Vacant land is charged at 0.012% of your land value.
If you have a business ensure your land usage and zoning are correct.
You can find the zoning information on the COJ web site by looking at the councils free GIS system.

Assist with getting refunds on accounts that have been closed.

Getting a refund from the council can be a tiresome process if you do not know the correct process. We assist in getting your refund processed quickly by advising you on what documentation and information the council requires to process your refund.

Water or sewer leaks, Power problems or upgrades and faulty meters.
If you have problems trying to get the different departments to action any of the above problems you have, we can act on your behalf. Often getting to the right person is part of the problem.

Site Development Plans

Council may require a developer to submit a detailed Site Development Plan (SDP) for the approval of a proposed development. An SSDP is a detailed site plan document used by the City to determine if a development proposal has been planned consistently with the regulations and intent of the Zoning Regulations.  It addresses elements such as use, building location and size, site circulation, parking and access, landscaping, building materials, and public improvements.

An approved SDP is typically required in order to obtain a building plan approval for exterior construction or alteration of a structure or for a change in use of a non-residential structure.

Once approved, the details and the stand become a legal obligation, with which the developer must comply when carrying out development.

Building Plan Applications

Any new building and any alteration that adds on to or changes the structure of an existing building must go to a City Council’s Development Management Department for approval. There are penalties for non-compliance. If you’ve chosen to build without having the plans approved, a building inspector is entitled to enter your property and order construction to stop immediately. They could even obtain a court order for the structure to be demolished, at your expense, and you would be liable for legal costs as well. In serious cases, you could be fined or sent to prison.

Section 7/6 application can be made to commence building once your building plans have been accepted for submission.

Certificates of Occupancy

Every single new structure that will be occupied requires a certificate of occupation. This is issued by the Council once all other approvals have been obtained.

This applies whether you are moving in yourself, or putting in a tenant or any other type of occupancy that is envisaged when a new building, or internal renovation, has been implemented.  It also applies both to building from scratch and to carrying out any “alteration, conversion, extension, rebuilding, re-erection, subdivision of or addition to, or repair of any part of the structural system of, any building”.

Why compliance is required:

  1. Firstly, if you don’t comply, you will have problems with your bank if your home is mortgaged, and – perhaps more critically – you could find yourself without insurance cover.
  2. Secondly, you won’t be able to arrange water and electricity accounts and connections from the municipality.
  3. Thirdly, it is a criminal offence to occupy or use (or permit occupation or use) of the building without authority (or to the extent that “it is essential for the erection of such building”).

Additional Applications


These services comprise of the following: Rezoning Applications for Rights Conversion; Sub-Division Applications; Consent Use Management Applications; Removal of Restrictive Clauses from Title Deeds; Facilitation of Corrections on Establishment of Township Projects amongst others.


Grade II heritage resources (i.e. heritage resources that are of provincial significance/as stipulated in section 8(1) of the National Heritage Resources Act) require a separate application, and typically relates to buildings that are older than 60 years of age.


The Council may instruct a landowner to demolish a building or demolition may be required as part of a building plan application. In nearly all instances, you will need a permit from Council to carry out demolition work. This includes special applications to demolish Heritage Buildings.


A Wayleave entitles the holder only the right to use certain land in a specified manner. Generally used in the case of roads where the developer requests the right to work in the “road reserve” to bury cables or access utility lines. The application is necessary for Roads Dept to monitor and control all work within the road reserve so that it conforms with policy.



Following are the basic services offered by us:








We can refer you to:
Fire Consultants
Town Planners
Land Surveyors
Transferring Attorneys

South Africa has eight metropolitan municipalities, namely:

District Municipalities

Municipality  Province 
Alfred Nzo District Eastern Cape
Amajuba District KwaZulu-Natal
Amathole District Eastern Cape
Bojanala Platinum District North West
Cape Winelands District Western Cape
Capricorn District Limpopo
Central Karoo District Western Cape
Chris Hani District Eastern Cape
Dr Kenneth Kaunda District North West
Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District North West
Ehlanzeni District Mpumalanga
Fezile Dabi District Free State
Frances Baard District Northern Cape
Garden Route District Western Cape
Gert Sibande District Mpumalanga
Harry Gwala District KwaZulu-Natal
iLembe District KwaZulu-Natal
Joe Gqabi District Eastern Cape
John Taolo Gaetsewe District Northern Cape
King Cetshwayo District KwaZulu-Natal
Lejweleputswa District Free State
Mopani District Limpopo
Namakwa District Northern Cape
Ngaka Modiri Molema District North West
Nkangala District Mpumalanga
OR Tambo District Eastern Cape
Overberg District Western Cape
Pixley Ka Seme District Northern Cape
Sarah Baartman District Eastern Cape
Sedibeng District Gauteng
Sekhukhune District Limpopo
Thabo Mofutsanyana District Free State
Ugu District KwaZulu-Natal
uMgungundlovu District KwaZulu-Natal
uMkhanyakude District KwaZulu-Natal
uMzinyathi District KwaZulu-Natal
uThukela District KwaZulu-Natal
Vhembe District Limpopo
Waterberg District Limpopo
West Coast District Western Cape
West Rand District Gauteng
Xhariep District Free State
ZF Mgcawu District Northern Cape
Zululand District KwaZulu-Natal


Local Municipalities


Municipality  Province 
!Kheis Local Northern Cape
AbaQulusi Local KwaZulu-Natal
Alfred Duma Local KwaZulu-Natal
Amahlathi Local Eastern Cape
Ba-Phalaborwa Local Limpopo
Beaufort West Local Western Cape
Bela-Bela Local Limpopo
Bergrivier Local Western Cape
Big 5 Hlabisa Local KwaZulu-Natal
Bitou Local Western Cape
Blouberg Local Limpopo
Blue Crane Route Local Eastern Cape
Breede Valley Local Western Cape
Bushbuckridge Local Mpumalanga
Cape Agulhas Local Western Cape
Cederberg Local Western Cape
Chief Albert Luthuli Local Mpumalanga
City of Matlosana Local North West
City of Mbombela Local Mpumalanga
City of uMhlathuze Local KwaZulu-Natal
Collins Chabane Local Limpopo
Dannhauser Local KwaZulu-Natal
Dawid Kruiper Local Northern Cape
Dihlabeng Local Free State
Dikgatlong Local Northern Cape
Dipaleseng Local Mpumalanga
Ditsobotla Local North West
Dr Beyers Naudé Local Eastern Cape
Dr JS Moroka Local Mpumalanga
Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Local KwaZulu-Natal
Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Mpumalanga
Drakenstein Local Western Cape
eDumbe Local KwaZulu-Natal
Elias Motsoaledi Local Limpopo
Elundini Local Eastern Cape
eMadlangeni Local KwaZulu-Natal
Emakhazeni Local Mpumalanga
Emalahleni Local Mpumalanga
Emalahleni Local Eastern Cape
Emfuleni Local Gauteng
Emthanjeni Local Northern Cape
Endumeni Local KwaZulu-Natal
Engcobo Local Eastern Cape
Enoch Mgijima Local Eastern Cape
Ephraim Mogale Local Limpopo
Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Limpopo
Ga-Segonyana Local Northern Cape
Gamagara Local Northern Cape
George Local Western Cape
Govan Mbeki Local Mpumalanga
Great Kei Local Eastern Cape
Greater Giyani Local Limpopo
Greater Kokstad Local KwaZulu-Natal
Greater Letaba Local Limpopo
Greater Taung Local North West
Greater Tzaneen Local Limpopo
Hantam Local Northern Cape
Hessequa Local Western Cape
Impendle Local KwaZulu-Natal
Ingquza Hill Local Eastern Cape
Inkosi Langalibalele Local KwaZulu-Natal
Intsika Yethu Local Eastern Cape
Inxuba Yethemba Local Eastern Cape
JB Marks Local North West
Joe Morolong Local Northern Cape
Jozini Local KwaZulu-Natal
Kagisano-Molopo Local North West
Kai !Garib Local Northern Cape
Kamiesberg Local Northern Cape
Kannaland Local Western Cape
Kareeberg Local Northern Cape
Karoo Hoogland Local Northern Cape
Kgatelopele Local Northern Cape
Kgetlengrivier Local North West
Khai-Ma Local Northern Cape
King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Eastern Cape
Knysna Local Western Cape
Kopanong Local Free State
Kouga Local Eastern Cape
Koukamma Local Eastern Cape
KwaDukuza Local KwaZulu-Natal
Laingsburg Local Western Cape
Langeberg Local Western Cape
Lekwa Local Mpumalanga
Lekwa-Teemane Local North West
Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Limpopo
Lephalale Local Limpopo
Lesedi Local Gauteng
Letsemeng Local Free State
Madibeng Local North West
Mafube Local Free State
Magareng Local Northern Cape
Mahikeng Local North West
Makana Local Eastern Cape
Makhado Local Limpopo
Makhuduthamaga Local Limpopo
Maluti-A-Phofung Local Free State
Mamusa Local North West
Mandeni Local KwaZulu-Natal
Mantsopa Local Free State
Maphumulo Local KwaZulu-Natal
Maquassi Hills Local North West
Maruleng Local Limpopo
Masilonyana Local Free State
Matatiele Local Eastern Cape
Matjhabeng Local Free State
Matzikama Local Western Cape
Mbhashe Local Eastern Cape
Mbizana Local Eastern Cape
Merafong City Local Gauteng
Metsimaholo Local Free State
Mhlontlo Local Eastern Cape
Midvaal Local Gauteng
Mkhambathini Local KwaZulu-Natal
Mkhondo Local Mpumalanga
Mnquma Local Eastern Cape
Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Limpopo
Mogalakwena Local Limpopo
Mogale City Local Gauteng
Mohokare Local Free State
Molemole Local Limpopo
Moqhaka Local Free State
Moretele Local North West
Moses Kotane Local North West
Mossel Bay Local Western Cape
Mpofana Local KwaZulu-Natal
Msinga Local KwaZulu-Natal
Msukaligwa Local Mpumalanga
Msunduzi Local KwaZulu-Natal
Mthonjaneni Local KwaZulu-Natal
Mtubatuba Local KwaZulu-Natal
Musina Local Limpopo
Nala Local Free State
Naledi Local North West
Nama Khoi Local Northern Cape
Ndlambe Local Eastern Cape
Ndwedwe Local KwaZulu-Natal
Newcastle Local KwaZulu-Natal
Ngqushwa Local Eastern Cape
Ngwathe Local Free State
Nkandla Local KwaZulu-Natal
Nketoana Local Free State
Nkomazi Local Mpumalanga
Nongoma Local KwaZulu-Natal
Nquthu Local KwaZulu-Natal
Ntabankulu Local Eastern Cape
Nyandeni Local Eastern Cape
Okhahlamba Local KwaZulu-Natal
Oudtshoorn Local Western Cape
Overstrand Local Western Cape
Phokwane Local Northern Cape
Phumelela Local Free State
Polokwane Local Limpopo
Port St Johns Local Eastern Cape
Prince Albert Local Western Cape
Ramotshere Moiloa Local North West
Rand West City Local Gauteng
Ratlou Local North West
Ray Nkonyeni Local KwaZulu-Natal
Raymond Mhlaba Local Eastern Cape
Renosterberg Local Northern Cape
Richmond Local KwaZulu-Natal
Richtersveld Local Northern Cape
Rustenburg Local North West
Sakhisizwe Local Eastern Cape
Saldanha Bay Local Western Cape
Senqu Local Eastern Cape
Setsoto Local Free State
Siyancuma Local Northern Cape
Siyathemba Local Northern Cape
Sol Plaatje Local Northern Cape
Stellenbosch Local Western Cape
Steve Tshwete Local Mpumalanga
Sundays River Valley Local Eastern Cape
Swartland Local Western Cape
Swellendam Local Western Cape
Thaba Chweu Local Mpumalanga
Thabazimbi Local Limpopo
Theewaterskloof Local Western Cape
Thembelihle Local Northern Cape
Thembisile Hani Local Mpumalanga
Thulamela Local Limpopo
Tokologo Local Free State
Tsantsabane Local Northern Cape
Tswaing Local North West
Tswelopele Local Free State
Ubuhlebezwe Local KwaZulu-Natal
Ubuntu Local Northern Cape
Ulundi Local KwaZulu-Natal
Umdoni Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMfolozi Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMhlabuyalingana Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMlalazi Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMngeni Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMshwathi Local KwaZulu-Natal
Umsobomvu Local Northern Cape
Umuziwabantu Local KwaZulu-Natal
Umvoti Local KwaZulu-Natal
uMzimkhulu Local KwaZulu-Natal
Umzimvubu Local Eastern Cape
Umzumbe Local KwaZulu-Natal
uPhongolo Local KwaZulu-Natal
Victor Khanye Local Mpumalanga
Walter Sisulu Local Eastern Cape
Witzenberg Local Western Cape

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Clearance figures and certificates

We understand the nature and urgency linked to the acquisition and disposal of fixed assets and have well trained and highly skilled staff that can assist with the rectification of the services enabling clearance figures to be obtained quicker.


Our Refunds Department has developed a service that can process speedy refunds and / or transfer of funds applications on behalf of property owner.

Change of ownership

Creation of municipal accounts for new property owners can be quite a daunting experience and we provide a solution to assist new owners with a smooth transition.

Registration of sectional title scheme

Newly registered sectional title schemes has become a core service offered by us as this is vital for the allocation of services.

Water and Electricity Reading

Our meter auditors have developed a service to assist with the constant issues with the billing of incorrect meters and / or estimate consumption.

Valuation and Rates

Capturing of municipal valuations for ratable purposes for newly registered sectional title units, consolidated, subdivided or newly registered properties.

Account analysis

Completing the investigation, reconciliation and analysis of an account or service has become increasingly popular service due to the councils refilling procedures.

Meter Issues

A common account problem is the billing of estimated meter readings. If council meter readers are unable to obtain a meter reading for a month or the meter has been replaced, the council will not be able to load an actual meter reading on the account. The account will then bill an estimated reading for that month. This estimation should be similar to the monthly consumption but can also be much higher or lower which will result in a higher account than normal or a huge account after months of undercharging.  We have qualified consultants who assist with the loading of the actual readings and reversals of the interim reading within a couple of days. If a water or electricity meter has been replaced, we can assist in correcting the account so that the new meter appears on the account and normal billing is resumed.

Missing Services

All sectional title stands should receive an account which bills for Assessment Rates and Refuse. All full title stands need to be billed for Assessment Rates, Refuse, Sewer, Water and Electricity (unless the stand is vacant or you are billed directly by your Homeowner’s Association or Eskom).
If any of these services are missing, We can assist in loading the missing charges so that they appear on your next account. These services need to be billed. Even if the error was an initial council oversight the council will eventually backdate the unbilled services and expect payment within 30 days. Therefore it is advisable to have these services loaded as soon as possible!

Credit Transfers

Paying council accounts via EFT banking comes with a few problems of its own. Have you paid into the wrong account or used the incorrect reference when making payment? Don’t be left cash strapped while you wait for monies to be transferred. We can assist with the transferring of incorrectly paid funds as long as the necessary documentation is in order.

Incorrect Details

It is important that all council accounts reflect the correct registered owner name/s, spelling of these names and the correct physical and postal address. Our trained consultants can assist in rectifying these smaller issues.


All residential properties that have a complete dwelling should have been issued an occupation certificate at the time of completion. If the zoning is vacant and should be improved Rates Online can assist with the correction of the zoning.

New consolidation

When a property consolidation has been registered in the Deeds Office, there are a number of changes to be made on the council system. The newly consolidated stand needs to be created from scratch and the previous stands need to be devalued and closed. Our expert team can assist with the opening of these new accounts and the closing of the previous accounts.

Prepaid Meters

In an attempt to have more control over their ever-increasing electricity charges, many consumers have opted for the prepaid meter solution. We can assist with the conversion from a conventional meter to that of a prepaid meter and the correction of the account once the changes have taken place on the property.

Assessment Rates

We can assist with the reconciliation of your Rates charges or apply for the property to be added to the valuation roll. An account that has no valuation or market value will not be able to bill assessment rates. The different zoning or category determines what tariff a property should be charged. We can ensure that the correct zoning category is used and the appropriate tariff billed on the market value. Assessment rates are always billed from date of registration.

New Deposits – Just Purchased a Property?

Once your transferring attorney has successfully transferred your new property into your name, he/she will send a letter to the council advising it of the registration of transfer. The transferring attorney’s job is now complete and you are responsible for ensuring new municipal accounts are opened in your name. You should receive your first account within two months after transfer. The account charges should include:

A contract for the supply of water and electricity needs to be signed and a deposit paid (unless the stand is vacant or you are billed directly by your Homeowner’s Association or Eskom)

Council Refunds – Just Sold a Property?

Even though Council Refunds at the municipality should automatically be attended to, the Refund of monies owing on your account for Clearance Figures rarely happens without a bit of work. Before a Council refund can be applied for, the new owner must have already paid the deposit on their new account, signed a contract with the council for the supply of water and electricity and be receiving their accounts in their own name. It is only at this point that the old owner’s accounts can be closed.

In addition your old account needs to be adjusted back to reflect the balance on date of transfer. Once these steps have taken place a refund can be applied for. We can assist the new owner with opening his new account as well as the previous owner with the closing and adjusting of their account and then the application for Council Refunds.

Have some council Billing Issues?

Need help with a query or problem at Council?

We can assist homeowners with an array of different council Billing Issues or ongoing queries. It is suggested that an initial investigation be conducted to locate the cause of the problem and find the best solution to rectify the account. Even though a consumer might be well aware of the problem it is always advisable to investigate to ensure that there are no further hidden issues.

Need assistance with Meter Readings and Corrections?

With Meter Readings and Corrections, a common account problem is the billing of estimated meter readings. If council meter readers are unable to obtain a meter reading for a month or the meter has been replaced, the council will not be able to load an actual meter reading on the account. The account will then bill an estimated reading for that month. This estimation should be similar to the monthly consumption but can also be much higher or lower which will result in a higher account than normal or a huge account after months of undercharging. We assist Meter Readings and Corrections:

Have some council Billing Issues?

Need help with a query or problem at Council?

We can assist homeowners with an array of different council Billing Issues or ongoing queries. It is suggested that an initial investigation be conducted to locate the cause of the problem and find the best solution to rectify the account. Even though a consumer might be well aware of the problem it is always advisable to investigate to ensure that there are no further hidden issues.

Has your electricity been cut?

Council Reconnections and Payment Plans

Council can cut an electricity service for non-payment or it could also be cut in error. We can determine:

If the amount is not affordable a payment plan with council can be entered into. We understand the process and can facilitate a payment plan on the consumer’s behalf.

Subdivided a Property?

Council New Subdivision

When a property has been subdivided and registered in the Deeds Office there are a number of changes that need to be done on the council account system. Firstly the new portions need to be created on the council map and the previous property needs to be devalued and closed. All services dependant on their zoning need to be added to the new accounts.

Our team has extensive knowledge regarding the opening of these Council New Subdivision accounts, the market value for each and the loading of other services to ensure that all accounts effected are correct.

Obtaining Rates Clearance Figures and Certificates

Rates Clearance Figures and Certificates are needed and obtained from the Council and certifies that the Seller does not owe any money to the City Council. The Deeds office will not transfer a property from the seller to the purchaser without this Rates Clearance certificate from the Conveyancing Attorney.

Obtaining Rates Clearance Figures and Certificates today is not as easy as it used to be, infact the tedious process involved can end up delaying transfers for many firms who are busy.

We assist Attorneys with:

What paperwork is required for my Property Transfer?

There are a whole host of documents and certificates that are required to prepare for your property transfer. Not knowing what they are, how and where you can get them from may delay your transfer significantly!
Conveyancers will generally obtain the regular certificates as part of their service.

Rates Clearance Certificate (“RCC”).

Electrical Compliance Certificate (“ECC”):

Levy Clearance Certificate:

Gas Conformity Certificate:

Transfer Duty Receipt:

Water and Plumbing Certificates:

Beetle Infestation and Inspection and Certificate of Clearance:

Heritage Compliance Certificates and Building Permits:

Bogus and Counterfeit Certificates:

There are several more certificates that a seller could be called upon to produce before transfer but are particular to certain transfers, eg. Occupation Certificates; Approved Building Plans and Structural Engineering Certificates. With the guidance of experienced Conveyancers you will be notified of which certificate is needed and where they may obtained from. In conclusion, if one reflects on this article, one is amazed on how many clearance certificates can be required for the sale and transfer of a property, leading to further complication and expense.

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