Our Expertise and History
Dealing with one’s local municipality can be a daunting task for homeowners and those buying or selling property. Council Solutions has over 20 years experience in assisting property owners, sellers and buyers with the Opening and Closing of Municipal Accounts after transfer and a variety of various services
Council Solutions is a private consultancy firm that assists the public with council errors and long-outstanding queries. Our experienced Council Consultants will handle these issues on your behalf and help to prevent problems before they occur. Council Solutions can assist with:
Opening of New Accounts / New deposits, Refund Investigations, Refunds, Account Investigations, Meter Readings / Corrections, Re Connections, Payment Plans, Prepaid Meters, Rebates / Correction of the Zoning, New Consolidations, Assessment Rates and so much more…
trou·ble·shoot·er | \ ˈtrə-bəl-ˌshü-tər \
Definition of troubleshooter
1: a skilled worker employed to locate trouble and make repairs in machinery and technical equipment
2: an expert in resolving diplomatic or political disputes : a mediator of disputes that are at an impasse
3: a person skilled at solving or anticipating problems or difficulties
Council Solutions’ Mission
To bridge the gap between local government and the public and creating a better South Africa